Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Mark's "How to How to" Demo Slides

How to How to - Speech Transcript
Hi everyone,

Have you ever been in a class or meeting where somebody is trying to explain something, but you don't really get it? Or don't care? It happens, but it shouldn't. Whether you find a career in business, education, or government, there are going to be times when you need to help others learn to do something. In business, this may be a product demo. In teaching, it may be a skills class. In government, as you politician you may need to teach younger politicians how to say absolutely nothing in a beautiful, eloquent way. As an educator, I am often explaining "How to" to my students, and I try to do it effectively as possible based on the key points I am going to explain here. So, how to How to? In other words, what's key for doing a demonstration well?

I want explain the 3 most important points for How to speeches:
1) Simplify, simplify, simplify
2) Visualize, visualize, visualize
3) Repeat, repeat, repeat, and

First, as you get started, you need to Simplify a complex process into something easy to remember. For example, making a presentation like this in fact involves hundreds of little steps, but you need to choose what you will highlight so that it will be remembered. What is important is to find 3 to 5 key words that a person should remember when they try to do what you are teaching them. The catchy-er your key words or phrases are, the better, but at least keep them simple yet specific. Brainstorm ideas and then sort them. Writing a script is a good way to carefully consider your organization and number of words. Simplify, simplify, simplify. 3-5 steps.

Second, as you prepare Visualize. Make the process easy to see for the audience. Show, don't tell. Use real objects, photos, or videos to make the steps and points real to the audience. They will remember images more than words. Of course, the ultimate method of visualization for the audience is to actually try it, during your speech, or just after. Making a handout or video resource for easily available for the audience to refer to is extremely important as well. Help the audience to Visualize, visualize, visualize.

Third, as you present, Repeat your key words. You have already heard me say Simplify, simplify, simplify how many times? Say your key points in the introduction, in the beginning of the section, at the end of the section, and in the conclusion. By the conclusion, your audience should be able to tell you what the most important steps or points are, and that is one indication of a successful demo. Repeat, repeat, repeat your key points.

OK, to conclude now, do you feel ready to try your own How to speech? Do you understand the key points? Let me conclude my demo of a demo, my how to speech on "How to" by asking you to tell me what the three most important points are: Simplify, visualize, repeat. Simplify, visualize, repeat. Simplify, visualize, repeat. Remember those, and your presentation should be successful. I wish you the best.

Thank you.

Now, if you have any questions, I'd be happy to answer them. (See advice for Q&A sessions)
Any more questions? If not, good luck to you with your demonstration presentations. Thank you!

Lesson 9 Slides

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Lesson 7 Slides

Introduction ACTP Analysis:

Attention-Getter: Good
Enriquez started by using the word "fear" and that emotional word is quite powerful. Then, he showed a beautiful image of a DNA crystal to communicate the fact that we should fear ignorance of such an important thing as the science of life. It got my attention.

Credibility: Not included - He was probably introduced by the MC.

Topic: It is clear that he wants to talk about the importance of DNA research, but it could be clearer.

Preview of Points: He does not really give a list of points. It would be better if he did. He does say that he will talk about the New Zoo, but it is not clear what he is going to say.

Another interesting presentation to analyze--clear preview of 4 points:

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Presentation Self-Analysis Sample

Presentation No.1 Reflections and Self-Analysis
First of all, my goals for this presentation were as listed here. I will refer to these below as I self-analyze and set goals for my next presentation.

1. Successfully achieved purpose / main message?

Reflection: My goal was to convey my passion about the importance of eliminating "exploitation of the weak" in this world and hopefully ignite a similar passion in the audience members by explaining what each of us can do. I was able to do somewhat, but not enough.

Ideas for Improvement: For a short presentation of 3 minutes, I think my topic was too broad and didn't become specific enough to have impact. Focusing only on child labor may have been better, including specific cases and stories. Also, my ideas about what we can do seemed too general and vague. I needed more time to research and consider the topic.

2. Use of voice? (rhythm, emphasis, pausing, variation)

Reflection: My goal was to speak in a fairly, slow serious low key tone to match my message and let the facts speak for themselves. My voice was basically what I wanted it to be, low and serious, but some parts needed more passion.

Ideas for Improvement: I want to speak with even more passion and emphasis and variation. I need to rehearse that. I want to avoid sounding flat by deliberately planning and practicing some extreme variations of volume or rhythm.

3. Use of body language? (posture, gestures, eyes, face)

Reflection: My goal was to stay calm and controlled with a sincere expression and little movement except for a few gestures, but I saw several points that needed improvement.

Ideas for Improvement: For my next presentations, I want to speak without holding notes. Also, I put my hand behind my back and that was a nervous gesture. My body was swaying slightly, so I want to stand straighter. Also, I checked my watch for time, but I want to avoid that.

4. Use of visuals?

Reflection: My goal was to use a few full screen images that show exploitation of the weak. My first slide was effective, but the second slide seemed unfocused with too many images. The third slide had just my key words for what we can do. No visual impact.

Ideas for Improvement: I needed more time to find images or videos that could illustrate my points. My ideas for What can we do? needed to be more specific more in advance of the presentation so that I could brainstorm good ways to use images rather than just text.

5. Preparation & rehearsal process?

Reflection: I started polishing up my rough draft just a few hours before the presentation period, and finished the final version of my slides just a few minutes before the presentation, and did not do a full rehearsal before the video recording. As a result, I felt my content and delivery really lacked polishing.

Ideas for Improvement: For the next presentation, I want to finalize the content at least 24 hours in advance so that I can make some final adjustments and practice my delivery. Also, I want to ask a partner to give me feedback on my rehearsal.

AEP Lesson 6 Slides